Now you know if it’s Monday or the weekend.


Bosch Table calendar


In collaboration with The Brand Floor, we designed a table calendar for Bosch Security Systems.

Each calendar month shows a different product for promotion. The table calendar is sent worldwide to all partners of Bosch Security Systems to support the sales departments. The table calendar is available in an EMEA (Europe-Middle East-Africa) and an ME (Middle East) version. 


Did you know that the weekend starts on a Friday in the Middle East? Therefore, we created two versions of this calendar.


What we did

After reading the Bosch branding guidelines, we started creating the basic template for the week, month, and year overview. Every Bosch department had its month with its product, so it was a challenge to communicate and approve the designs with the different departments. After all, we managed to deliver the calendar just in time.

Services we delivered for this project:
